"This ain't no party, but it's definitely a disco, and those pulsating to the likes of MSTRKRFT, Daft Punk, and Hot Chip should get hip to Wolfgang's indie electronic kind of lurrrrve."
"Wolfgang’s talent goes beyond mere kitschy revivalism. Tunes like 'Master of the Music,' 'No Coincidence,' and 'Battery' gyrate and warble with enough verve and melody to fit nicely next to 'Blue Monday' or even LCD Soundsystem’s 'Someone Great.'"
"Wolfgang has the potential to be a novelty act. Like after five seconds you could be, “Oh ha ha an emotional robot.” And then be done. Lucky for Wolfgang, this robot has some solid indie electro-pop songwriting backing him up."

"It's good stuff. Plus, he's got a kick-ass sci-fi backstory."
"One of the most unique and enchanting albums of the year thus far."
"Without question one of the most unique, interesting and danceable discs to come around in some time."
"Wolfgang has a beautiful voice and a real knack for composition. His little robo-heart seems to be broken... and the listener definitely will find pleasure in his pain."
"How often have you wished robots made pop music? Not just pre-programmed, by-the-numbers crap, but real pop music, with feeling and longing and regret and everything that makes music great?...Wolfgang makes beautiful electropop with just a perfect tinge of robot melancholy."
"The story of Wolfgang the Robot is tragic and inspiring...the gist of it is, robot built by millionaire to create pop music, robot falls in love with man, creates perfect pop song. "Not in Love (Not True)" has those synth chords you miss from the 80's songs you hear on your local Mix station set to pulsing drums and then it comes: vocoder. You love it, you feel like crying, dancing, and building your own robot to love Wolfgang."
"Just the sort of thing to make one either dance or fall in love with a humanoid. Of course, it goes without saying that this elaborate fiction is also a not-so-subtle parable about homosexuality, still largely not accepted in a country where frightened heteros feel they need to outlaw gay marriage. Thankfully, we have Wolfgang to soothe us with his emotion-filled art. All the tracks are excellent..."